Friday 16 March 2012

what I have made-Russian doll keyrings

Hello,would like to say thanks to all my followers who have been tempted here by Rubys giveaways!
Whilst my sewing machine was getting an overhaul I took the opportunity to do some hand sewing.
These are my first ones I have made. I am hoping to start selling them soon. This weekend I am going to make an owl keyring for Rubys friend Hannah.
Thanks for reading and goodluck with the giveaway :)

Friday 2 March 2012

Mumpy complete!

Finally I am putting some photos of Mumpy up, my neice Hollie was thrilled with him.

My Mumpy is pictured with the original Mumpy that Hollie was given when she was born *****
years ago!
Mumpy was my first soft toy I have attempted using a pattern since school! I found it quite fiddley and his poor legs hardly hold him up!

My next projects are bunting, catnip chicks,and russian doll decorated items. The cushion with the Mumpies is one I made for Hollie to put in her newly decorated front room, I appliqued the flowers onto a piece of silk  that had been brought back by friends from India. Thanks again to Ruby for her patience in hepling me with this blog. Hope to chat again soon. x